Property owners along the Florida Department of Transportation’s (“FDOT”) project known as SR 390/E 14th Street from SR 77/Ohio Avenue to US 231 have received notification that certain field activities that have begun.

These field activities include surveying, environmental assessments and soil investigations. The field activities provide needed information to FDOT to assist them in the additional design of this project, which is anticipated to include the involuntary, eminent domain taking of a number of parcels of private property.

The attorneys at the Fixel Law Firm, a Florida law firm that represents private property and business owners in eminent domain matters, are closely monitoring the evolution of project materials for the SR 390 project and are expeditiously securing them for its clients. If you own property that may be acquired as part of the SR 390 widening project and you have any questions or concerns about the FDOT’s potential taking of your property or Florida eminent domain law, please contact Fixel Law Firm by email at or by telephone toll free at 1-800-848-7535.